Florist's Choice Bouquet
A wrapped florist choice bouquet made with blooms that are are fresh, gorgeous and in-season. Price includes GST.
Due to seasonal sourcing, please expect floral variations from what is pictured. Our arrangements come wrapped in white paper with matching ribbon and a water pack base.
A wrapped florist choice bouquet made with blooms that are are fresh, gorgeous and in-season. Price includes GST.
Due to seasonal sourcing, please expect floral variations from what is pictured. Our arrangements come wrapped in white paper with matching ribbon and a water pack base.
A wrapped florist choice bouquet made with blooms that are are fresh, gorgeous and in-season. Price includes GST.
Due to seasonal sourcing, please expect floral variations from what is pictured. Our arrangements come wrapped in white paper with matching ribbon and a water pack base.
PLEASE NOTE: Bouquet deliveries and pickups occur on Thursdays only unless it is a peak season such as Valentineโs or Motherโs Day where we will extend our days. For example, if you order on a Wednesday, we will create & deliver it the following day on Thursday, if you order on a Friday, we will create & deliver it the following Thursday. Thank you!